Welch Allyn 3.5V Finnoff Transilluminator with Cobalt Blue Filter


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General fiber-optic examination light for checking pupil reflex. Curved transillumination allows for viewing frontal and maxillary sinuses, to improve patient comfort.
• Fiber-optic light transmission provides cool, distal light for improved comfort
• Provides consistent, long-lasting illumination
• Halogen HPX™ lamp provides light output for true tissue color
• Optional cobalt blue filter
• 1 year warranty

Dimensions: 1.4 x 3.6 x 1.9 (inches)
Weight: .09 lbs
Power Source: Lithium Ion or Nicad 3.5V Handle (or power transformer)
Equipment Classification : 3.5V handle is “internally‐powered equipment”, charging unit is class II
Conforms to: IEC 60601‐1, MDD (CE Mark)
Environmental ‐ Transport/Storage: ‐20°C to 50°C / RH non Condensing

SKU: 41101 Category: