Vet-Dop2 Doppler System WITH AC CHARGER


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The Vet-Dop2 is used to screen for hypertension, to check blood pressure in surgery, to monitor blood flow at the extremities during surgery and to check for intact blood vessels after trauma and before amputation. The non-invasive Doppler technique is the method of choice for measuring blood pressure in animals weighing less than 15 pounds, especially cats. Other methods, including monitors that use the oscillometric technique with small animal validated software may not calculate pressures as quickly especially on awake, smaller patients. The Vet-Dop2 also works well on larger breeds and can detect blood flow at the base of the tail in horses. The Vet-Dop2 is the Doppler of choice and preferred by experts in the field of veterinary blood pressure measurement.

• Designed for veterinarians to measure Doppler systolic blood pressure
• Advanced, low-noise microelectronics
• Sensitive, wide beam, focused 9.4 MHz. transducer
• Easy to use
• Lithium-ion rechargeable battery with >35 hours between charges
• Portable, rugged and reliable
• One year parts and labor warranty
• Includes 19 minute video on Vet-Dop application and clinical use*

* “An Overview of Hypertension and Use of the Vet-Dop to Measure Animal Systolic Blood Pressure”, Gary Norsworthy, DVM ©Vmed Technology, 2002-2009

Accessories Included:
• Sphygmomanometer
• Set of 6 animal cuffs
• 6 probe attachment straps for long term monitoring
• Stereo audio headphones
• Storage pouch
• Battery charger
• Doppler procedure and hypertension video

SKU: 190815-K Category: